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When you look good, you feel good
Newsletter & Promotions

¡Tus datos se enviaron con éxito!

Biolifting: No surgery

Neolife Guatemala is a Medical Clinic dedicated to the combination of Alternative Therapies & Alopathic Medicine. We take pride in our Professional DETOX and IV Therapies as well as our Aesthetic & AntiAging and Bioregulatory Procedures by offering the most advanced protocols to enhance health and appearance and by promoting health and wellbeing.


We specialize in creating treatment plans customized for every need and therefore every patient will experience a personalized treatment to provide optimal results with no secondary effects! 

AntiAging, Professional DETOX & IV Therapy

Ortomolecular Nutrition, Weight Control

With our professional and advanced DETOX and/or IV Therapies, bioregulatory medicine and the latest protocols using german medicine as well as other techniques such as accupuncture, neural therapy and reflexology, results are guaranteed!!



Do you have issues with acne, acne scars or spots, rosacea, acne secondary to polycystic ovaries or hormone alterations?? Book an appointment TODAY. 

Our Philosophy on AntiAcne Treatments


Our protocols do not include the use of systemic therapies with antibiotics, oral anticonceptives or sebum regulators such as ISOTRETINOIN (Isotret, Roaccunane, Hyndriax, etc.) nor the use of steroids (topical or injected) for the management of acne. 


Our treatments reduce the number of necessary Peeling sessions and the achieved results are permanent and highly satisfaying because there are no side effects. 


Mesotherapy, Medical Facials & Chemical Peel

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP): Traditional and Premium PRP

Results & Benefits


Combining bioregulation medicine with conventional medicine guarantees results in less time, therefore the end result is almost inmediate and without side effects!


When it comes to Chemical Peels, we personalize each treatment to allow a decrease in the number of sessions usually needed.


Ask about our programs and begin a journey towards a healthy life! Looking for a healthy and flawless skin?? We can help you get there!

BEFORE TREATMENT  and  5 Months After last treatment. (ONLY treatment now: daily skin cleansing and no topical or sistemic therapy)

BEFORE TREATMENT and AFTER 3 Months of Treatment

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