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Platelet Rich Plasma: Premium PRP & Traditional PRP

plasma rico en plaquetas, vamplift, PRP, juventud, rellenos, ácido hialurónico, estética, cirugía plástica

Traditional and Premium PRP


Premium PRP techique allows a higher concentration of platelets, therefor it's able to work more efficiently treating wrinkles and its results last much longer than with a Traditional PRP.


What to expect inmediately after the treatment:

There are no side effects because it is autologous. The release of growth factors stimulates stem cells to regenerate new tissue achieving intense and long-lasting action.


Inmediately after the PRP session, the patient can resume normal daily activities. There might be a slight swelling and a slight soreness in the treated are in the next 24 hours. There is always a risk of small hematomas or areas of echimosis at the puncture site.


The results are progressive in relation to the number of sessions. 




This innovating treatment for cell regeneration and natural rejuvenation consists in a biostimulation of bone and soft tissue.


It has long been used in various fields of medicine; from orthopedics to odontostomatology, ophtalmics to maxillofacial surgery and in many aesthetic medicine fields.


How does the PRP injection work?

It involves the withdrawl of the patient's own venous blood, with a variation in the volumen  according to the size of the treated area and its purpose.  The blood is then placed in a centrifuge where it is left for a few minutes. This way the corpuscular fraction of the blood is separated from the part that contains the platelets. A specific platelet activator is added to the platelet gel obtained. This allows a concentration of platelets 2 to 5 times greater than normal which, in turn, allows the release of granules containing growth factors, responsible for cell renewal and, consequently, their rejuvenation or regeneration depending on the treated area.  


The injection of autologous plasma acts as a matrix an makes growth factors from structure and reservoir: formation of a 3D network of fibrin, release of growth factors from the platelets and leukocytes, chemoattraction of macrophages and stem cells, stem cell proliferation and differentiation of stem cells.



PRP can be used in other fields such as:

Pain management, articular and muscule or ligament regeneration, hairloss or thinning of hair, cartilage regeneration, ulcer treatments, etc.



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