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Orthomolecular Nutrition & Weight Control



Orthomolecular nutrition is a holistic and comprehensive overview of nutrition that combines insights of the East with the science of the West.


It focuses on the individual nutritional needs of a person and uses both diet and nutrient supplements to restore and maintain the correct nutritional balance.


Orthomolecular is a term that comes from the Greek word "Ortho", which means "correct" or "right," and "molecule," which is the simplest structure that displays the characteristics of a compound. So it literally means the "right molecule."  Othomolecular Medicine corrects or normalizes the molecular balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the body.


The orthomolecular nutritional medicine practitioner will perform non-invasive  assessment techniques such as pulse, tongue, physical assessment , non-invasive laboratory  and dietary assessments, metabolic analysis, and non-invasive allergy testing ( non-challenge of an allergic response), urine, saliva test, hair mineral (lab interpretation) as well as interpreting  standard laboratory analysis in terms of orthomolecular understanding.


We specialize in programs to optimize pH, oligotherapy, IV mineral and vitamin therapy and IV therapy with INVIMA(National Institute of Food and Drug Monitoring) Registration.



Oligotherapy: Oligo Trace-Elements

Oligos in Greek means "a very tiny quantity". Oligo-elements or trace elements are very minute doses of minerals. 


Trace elements are necessary as co-factors in enzymatic reactions. They act as catalysts, binding themselves to an enzyme, activating it, and then producing a chemical reaction without them being changed in the process.


Keeping the right balance of trace elements throughout the organism is essential for enzymatic function. A deficiency in any element will lead to a functional disorder.



Acid-base Balance - Body pH Balance

The normal stability between acids and alkalis is known as acid-base balance.Where 7.0 is considered neutral (neither alkaline nor acid), the normal acid-base of body’s fluid varies between 7.35 and 7.45.


The blood is slightly alkaline.


The foods we eat are either acidic or alkaline. Unfortunately, most diets consist of foods that tend to be too acidic. Processed food, sugar, meat, coffee, dairy, and refined grains are acid-forming foods. Eating highly acidic foods on a daily basis will acidify the fluids of the body. With time, if these acids are not neutralized and eliminated, a medical condition known as acidosis will occur. Degenerative disease such as cancer, osteoporosis, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. sets in.



Schuessler Cell Salts / Biochemic Tissue Salts 

Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, a noted German biochemist and homeopath, created the biochemic system. He identified twelve biochemic minerals present in every cell of the human body. A correct balance of these minerals must be maintained for the proper functioning of body tissues.


These salts are prescribed in low decimal potency to repair deficiencies at the cellular level.


Tissue salts are prepared according to homeopathic principles and are used to supply the body with the missing cell nutrients.



Sobrepeso, obesidad, control de peso. Reduce medidas. Elimina celulitis. Nutrición, Dietas, nutricionista, ortomolecular.


1. Better life quality

2. Body Homeostasis

3. Overall well being and health

4. Sucessfully treats:

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Osteopenia

  • Constipation

  • Weight control

  • Menstrual irregularities

  • Headache

  • Stress and anxiety, etc.





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